The project is hosted on SourceForge.
There are available files war, zip, installer (sh), extra resources (database, tomcat-libs, workflow database demo) and source code.
Installing and using CMDBuild
CMDBuild is web-based software, there is no executable file and it must run on a web server and accessed through a web browser. It runs on any flavor of Linux or OSX as well as Windows, however you are expected to have a good knowledge of setting up a web server on an enterprise stack.
Below are indicated hardware and software requirements.
For the installation and configuration please refer to the Technical Manual.
If you prefer to avoid installation efforts, you can ask for business support to the Maintainer.
CMDBuild does not contain data model, workflows, reports or dashboard. If you are looking for a pre-configured instance please visit CMDBuild READY2USE.
System requirements
Hardware minimum requirements:
- server-class computer (modern architecture)
- 16 GB of RAM
- 150 GB of available hard disk space for each CMDBuild instance (SSD recommended)
- 4-core
Software requirements:
- any OS able to handle the following applications (linux recommended)
- PostgreSQL 17.x (17.4 recommended)
- PostGIS 3.5.x (optional)
- Apache Tomcat 10 (latest version recommended)
- Java 17 (OpenJDK recommended)
- Any DMS that supports the CMIS protocol (Alfresco Community recommended, optional)
- Geoserver 2.25.3 (optional)
- Docker (optional)
Included libraries:
- jdbc library for DB connection
- jasperreports libraries for report generation
- CMIS DMS client
- Ext JS libraries for user interface
- Server and client components for map making feature
- Server and client components for BIM viewer (xeokit and BIMSurfer)
Additional software that you may find useful (not included):
- JasperSoft Studio for custom report design
- Together Workflow Editor for custom workflow design
- OCS Inventory as automatic inventory software
All softwares used are released with open source licenses.