Standard verticalizations


Application already configured for the IT Governance management, ITIL compliant

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Application already configured for the Property and Facility Management and Maintenance Processes


CMDBuild is a native multilanguage application.

There are two levels of localizations available:

  1. localization of interface elements: standard menu, buttons, page titles and TAB labels, header and footer of the application, administration interface, etc.
  2. full application localization: menus, names of the classes and attributes, domains names and descriptions, lookup lists, etc.

Since CMDBuild is an environment that has to be configured through the available features and comes without a data model, workflows and default reports, the standard localization is just the first one.

The first level localization:

  • is made possible thanks to the users of the application;
  • includes several languages;
  • is based on json files managed by Tecnoteca.

Once a user has configured his CMDBuild instance, the localization of second level becomes available in order to have the entire application in the desired languages.

The location of the second level:

  • is performed directly from within the application by using the appropriate functions of the Administration module
  • can be exported/re-imported in CSV format to work externally from the application or to make it available to other users
  • is already available in English and Italian languages for those who adopt already configured instances of CMDBuild such as CMDBuild READY2USE and openMAINT.